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Apr 21, 2022
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This situation could open a window of India Phone Number List opportunity for Latin America to have greater autonomy as a region, as long as it manages to overcome its fragmentation and the political volatility that results from the internal polarization in many of its countries. Different faces of primacy: overextension and low-cost India Phone Number List primacy Iraq, Libya and now Afghanistan are paradigmatic cases of what we could call the "imperial overextension syndrome" (a concept proposed by Paul Kennedy and Jack Snyder, among others), which occurs in the very process of decision-making when interests individuals, bureaucratic inertia and ideologies strongly rooted in the American history and political system capture India Phone Number List or hijack the vision of national interest to set unattainable goals and narrate ostensible failures as success stories. In the present situation, the India Phone Number List use of this concept invites us to ask ourselves about the mechanisms that operate in the case of the United States, considering the internal and international factors that could lead to an authentic strategic rectification or to stop it from a new cycle of repeated errors. The US has India Phone Number List implemented different modes of action in its search for world primacy, with a type of strategy that can be summarized as follows: a power does not consent or tolerate the rise and consolidation of a competing power of equal size. It is, basically, that the most powerful intends to affirm and India Phone Number List sustain his pre-eminence. USA, during the two terms of President George. Bush, displayed an aggressive India Phone Number List primacy: preemptive strikes, assertive unilateralism, disdain for multilateral forums, persistent and expansive use of force, and a significant increase in military spending. Barack Obama rehearsed, during his two terms, a calibrated primacy: an occasional multilateralism, more India Phone Number List consultations with Washington's main allies, the gradual withdrawal in some wars such as the one in Iraq, a greater use of surgical drone strikes, extrajudicial executions in India Phone Number List the abroad and defense budgets less bulky than those of its predecessor.
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