Marketing and communication Persuasive communication course for marketing DaVinci Resolve 16 course, intro to Editing, Color, Audio and EffectsLearning by doing: you study with your mind, you learn with your hands. Digital Marketing – Third part Learning by doing: you study with your mind, you learn with your hands. Digital Marketing – Third part […] A bit of history (see the first part here and the second part here ) From Dewey's “laboratory school”, the Learning by Doing approach has come a long way, leaving the confines of school education and occupying an increasingly important place in.
Professional and corporate training . Indeed, it is above all in the workplace that " knowing how to do it " is more important than "knowing what". The direction taken is increasingly that of Asia Mobile Number List training directly in the field, ensuring that professionals and workers acquire skills in carrying out their daily tasks. We strongly believe in Learning by doing, in learning by doing . Immediately putting into practice what you have learned at the level of theoretical notions , allows you to fully understand, imprint in memory and remember a lived experience for longer over time.
For us it is possible to learn effectively only by practicing .at the end of each explanation teaching unit, there is always a practical exercise: to verify what has been learned , fix it in the memory and bring out any questions for clarification. The practical exercises are always carried out under the supervision of the teacher, ready to answer questions and clarifications. Learning by Doing in Digital Marketing courses Design digital marketing and social media marketing strategies to promote your business on the web , decline them in the various digital and social channels (using the right language for the target.