Many companies have the potential to become high-growth superstars. These high performers come from all corners of the professional services universe. Some are big and some are small, and they serve a wide range of customers.But far too many companies fall short of their growth potential. Why?Knowledge to initiate growth is readily available. In fact, Hinge has published a slew of books, research studies, and executive guides that feature everything a business needs to know about building strong growth — and that bounty is available to everyone for free. Yet somehow, sustained high
growth never happens in most companies.Download the guide to visible cabinetsOften the problem lies between the ears of a management team. They build their strategic plans on faulty assumptions and outdated beliefs.High-growth teams see employee email list things differently. In this article, we identify five characteristics of high-growth companies. If your management team lacks any of these characteristics, you will struggle to bring your business to a place where it can generate consistently
high growth and profits.believe you can grow“We are too big to grow quickly. “We are too small to compete with big companies. “Our industry is too competitive. If there's one thing smart professionals are good at, it's generating excuses for why they can't grow.Of course, if you believe you can't grow, you'll never try. Your business will work at low speed forever. Other businesses won't try because they're afraid to fail — if you don't try, you can't fail. The logic is flawed, but it's still appealing to some.As with any business goal, success is never certain. But failure is guaranteed