These 4 W's are: What? Why? How? When? Those are perfect words to start your headline . They contain an indirect promise for your reader and automatically convince him to read on. Example: What: What is smart blogging? Why: Why is smart blogging so important? How: How do you become a smart blogger? When: When do you become a smart blogger? 5. Address your reader directly I see this error everywhere. Not just for bloggers, but for everyone who uses social media. One thing must be clear to you: If someone reads your blog post or listens to your podcast, they're alone.
It is a direct communication with your reader. And not with a large crowd of people! Seth Godin said in 1997 that the Internet is the greatest direct marketing medium. And he's kinda right about that. You communicate directly with your reader. Only with him. Therefore, use words like “you” or “you”. Take a Israel phone number list look at this article alone. How often does the word "you" appear? Because right now as I write this, I have an image of my perfect client in front of me. And I'm writing this text just for him . Example: Good: How to write a good headline Bad: How to write good headlines 6. Be contradictory Inconsistency breeds curiosity.
And curiosity generates attention. That's why it's always effective to include conflicting elements in your headline. A good example is the headline of this blog article: headlines. It was enough to pique your curiosity But there is more. This headline is only slightly controversial. Take a look at the following examples. Then it will be even clearer. Example: Good: How I Made a Million from That Stupid Mistake Bad: How I made a million 7. Make a bold promise Your headline is a promise . Not more. You're always selling something. In this case, you're selling the potential reader the reading.