Does this mean that job sharing has no future? Absolutely. It is a possibility that is going to be put on the table, but in areas where it is functional to implement it . This forces it to be applied in management positions in the Administration or in large companies because the added value provided is high and, therefore, the company is compensated.
Conclusion Reconciling personal life – professional life is on the agenda of most workers over 30 years of age and is an important factor. Job sharing is here to stay buy email database and is one more option, but it cannot be denied that it has a series of practical complications for its implementation that make it recommendable only in certain contexts. For this reason, it is most probable that, although in some cases this modality is chosen.
Part-time work will continue to be a predominant option in SpainArticle 3 of Decree 2530/1970, of August 20 , which regulates the Special Social Security Regime for self-employed or self-employed workers (RETA), determines that the self-employed worker is included in it. or self-employed person who resides and normally carries out his activity in the national territory. This apparently applies to all non-salaried workers.