Content is everywhere, most phone number list of it free and most entirely buried by other content. As content marketers, we fight and fight to be heard. Meanwhile, author James Patterson earned $95 million in 2016. Let it sink in. If you've never thought phone number list of this concept before - that people will pay a lot of money for good storytelling - then I hope you do now.
The structure in 3 acts
Stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. These are basic things. It's not the phone number list secret sauce I'll talk about later. Still, not just any beginning, middle, and end will hold someone's interest or make an impact. And, phone number list to understand the secret sauce, you have to understand the main dish.
Let's separate this structure into three parts.
Do you know where many content marketers fail phone number list in their storytelling? At the beginning. To be frank, most content marketers barely write a start.
Need is what the phone number list character needs to get to the end. The need is what drives the theme.
A content marketer's story is cut short from the start if the writer doesn't understand that what the phone number list customer wants isn't what they need. Customers don't want your product. They need your product to get what they
Show them their start. Show them how things are phone number list for them now. Show them you understand what they want and set the stage to show them what they will need.
The phone number list marketer's story seems to fall apart at this point even more often than with a bad start. Although most marketers don't develop a solid start, they do at least get started. When it comes phone number list to the middle, many marketers don't include any at all.
This process has phone number list to happen at least once for anyone to feel like a story is being told. Thematically, the phone number list middle of the story serves a clear and essential purpose. It illustrates what happens when characters try to get what they want without getting what they need.
Without a solid middle, readers don't believe the theme phone number list of the story. They are not sold on what the character needs. They have no reason to believe the character can't get what they want without him