To start using Notion go to and register you need an email account or you can connect with your Google account directly choose the one you consider so that the content is synchronized through of all the places where you use the app. Once done everything you do on the platform will be available on all the others. You can import .csv spreadsheet text files Word documents HTML files and you can connect with your Trello Asana Google Docs Dropbox Paper Quip Evernote and Workflowy accounts.
What is Notion and what is it for And now you have the opportunity for all these applications to come together in one to create a macro tool through the creation of structures that are linked through Business Email List pages and blocks that allow you to have everything you need in one place. Notion adapts to any environment and allows the collection of any type of information. since it is totally flexible and customizable to the needs of each user presenting itself as a blank book.
GETTING STARTED IN NOTION Once the registration process via email is complete and you choose a personal or company profile we recommend you start your “ Workspace ”. What is Notion_Miqo for Invite your team to be part of the same workspace. The tool will send them an invitation to join. Two levels of access are allowed administrator or member you cannot make changes to settings or invite new members.