But not passionate discussion. In other words, people Job Function Email List were interested in thinking about it, but it didn't seem to matter much. As for Soviet nostalgia, it was certainly very strong among the Russian population during the first decades after Job Function Email List the fall of the ussr . However, I suppose that the generational change has been fading it. In other words, we now have a whole generation that was not raised or educated in the ussr . And one could assume Job Function Email List that that will reduce that feeling of nostalgia. However, I'm not sure I can confirm this directly through research or observation. It is simply an assumption.
How has Russian studies changed since the beginning of your Job Function Email List career and what are the levels of collaboration with Russian historians today? Now these relationships are common and there are completely normal contacts. There are really productive intellectual collaborations, like that between the British historian Yoram Gorlizki and Oleg Khlevniuk in Moscow. In my Job Function Email List case, I don't have any close collaboration like the one I just mentioned, but of course I have an ongoing professional conversation with several Russians who are experts on various topics I work on. Until now, this type of communication has continued. But if the war drags on, this is likely to change: there will be more Job Function Email List suspicion of Westerners by Russians (and vice versa), and intellectual and professional relations will suffer.
Nancy Isenberg, author of White Trash , argues that in Job Function Email List the United States "nobody wants to talk about class," that "the elites of the South have used the strategy of pitting the white poor classes against African-Americans" and analyzes the historical class nature of Job Function Email List the society of a country that was never really the one of opportunities. At the same time, she criticizes the representation that the ultra-millionaire Donald Trump intends to exert on Job Function Email List the so-called "white scum.