Hazards. Basic level more information good lighting: appropriate lighting will be essential to mitigate the appearance of eye fatigue and, if it occurs, lessen its effects. The most convenient thing is to review the work environment, in order to avoid reflections from lamps and windows, working with perpendicular light and, if possible, natural. Use of screens: reflections on the different screens we use to carry out our work, such as computers or tablets, can be harmful to our eye health , which makes it necessary to pay even more attention to the devices we use.
In addition, the brightness of the screen should be adapted to the situation in the room where you are working. In this way, we will not have our device with too much brightness or with little. Eye hydration: it is especially important to keep the eyes e commerce photo editing well lubricated to avoid dryness. This can be achieved with blinking or with an eye drop recommended at any pharmacy. Feeding: the foods that we consume in our diet have special relevance in our eye health, with good hydration being essential , drinking approximately 2 liters of water a day and a balanced diet, with foods rich in omega 3 and vitamins. Take breaks: getting up from our workplace from time to time,
changing the place where we focus our vision and even carrying out another activity while we rest will be a great ally to reduce the probability of suffering from eye fatigue. Ergonomic posture: indeed, the position we take has consequences for our vision. In this way, the computer screen must be placed at eye level , with a distance of approximately half a meter, being able to maintain correct postural hygiene. Work material position: the ideal thing at this point is to place all the materials that we are going to need to carry out our tasks throughout the working day as close as possible,
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