As a professional overseas influencer marketing agency, In pander has concluded the following three points based on its field promotion Fax List experience in the Vietnamese market: Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a socialist country in Southeast Asia known for its beaches, rivers, pagodas and bustling cities. As a neighbor of China, Vietnam has more or less the shadow of China in terms of social systems, economic policies, cultural customs, etc.
Therefore, the outside world has also given Vietnam the title of "Little China" - a territorial area A country that is smaller than China and has a smaller Fax List population than China, but is very similar in many other fields. This is a "young nation", with more than 45% of the population aged 25-54, with Gen X and Millennials being the main workforce and consumer. The younger and more concentrated population structure is similar to that of my country in the 1990s. Meanwhile, Vietnam has more than 29 million Gen Z, or 30% of the total population . They are fast becoming the next wave of influencers and consumers.
Despite the impact of the new crown epidemic, Vietnam's digital economy has achieved rapid growth and is expected to reach 52 billion US dollars by 2025 . According to "Digital 2020" released by We are Social and Hoot suite, Vietnam has Fax List about 68 million Internet users, and the Internet penetration rate is about 70%. Vietnam Marketing Insights: How to Use the Power of Influencers to Win the Younger Generation? In Vietnam, the government controls traditional media very strictly, but the management of online social media is relatively loose.