Juice diets do prevent your body from going into a state called ketosis, he says. Ketosis means your body has no carbohydrates to burn for energy, so it has to burn stored fat or whatever else is available, he tells WebMD. "You feel bad, even smell bad. That's what makes you feel like hell during a [water-only] fast. But is that because the toxins are coming out? No! You're going into Harga Insulux It's known physiology." Increased plasma levels of toxic pollutants accompanying weight loss induced by hypocaloric diet or by bariatric surgery.Obes Surg. As for the notion that a juice-only cleanse can shift your guts away from digestion and toward the excretion of toxicants — it is one of those catchy ideas that lack scientific backing. If you want your organs to do their best, including to rid you of toxicants, then you should not deprive them from the nutrients they need to function.
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