If they are open to a business opportunity. In mailing list the mail order business, your most expensive business expense is mailing offers to your mailing list. In affiliate marketing, you are really losing your shirt if you are sending all of your traffic directly to a sales page, or to the product owners squeeze page.
It can be extremely time consuming mailing list calling each of your contacts one by one, or extremely expensive sending out direct mail offers if you are not at least breaking even. You can send out your correspondence on auto-pilot to mailing list hundreds, or even thousands of your contacts for less than $50 dollars per month when you are building an email list. This is called leverage.
2. Your List Builds Your Brand - Even if you are a virtual nobody in your industry, your subscribers will know who you are. Also when you have new product launches, your email list is the perfect place to launch them. 3. 99.9% of Your Website mailing list Visitors Will Only Visit Your Website One Time - Most websites are like ghost towns. The biggest problem that most online business owners struggle with is traffic.