At a higher level of complexity are the cross-border regions modeled above all from strongly globalized economic spaces, such as the paradigmatic case of the border spaces shared by Mexico and the United States, and in particular where maquiladora industries are developed. This type of industry is repeated in other Latin American borders, making very profitable use of the environmental, cultural and sociopolitical conditions, and even when it is at more discreet levels, as is the case of the northern portion of the Dominican-Haitian border, where the historical commercial relationship that synthesizes the Dajabón-Ouanaminthe binomial begins to be accompanied by a textile corporation that manages to take advantage of the benefits of each side.
In other cases, cross-border regions are formed around traditional international corridors, regularly for binational trade. To the same extent that this involves freight caravan traffic, these regions can develop service delivery infrastructures that Whatsapp Mobile Number List and income. This is the case, to give an example, of the region that forms on the Brazilian-Bolivian border at Corumbá and Puerto Quijarro-Puerto Suárez, the main transit route for bilateral trade. These regions, however, rarely produce regional economic drags –almost nothing that passes through Corumbá is produced in the state that contains it– and they are service provision links in long commercial chains.
Peruvians looking for work or business opportunities in the Chilean city of Arica, and Chilean people who want to buy cheap in Tacna. In other cases they are parish places, as occurs at the point of the Uruguayan-Brazilian border where the few thousand inhabitants of Chuy and Chui, depending on the side of the border, share an urban space with an invisible border marked by a street. The same is observed in the case of the Paraguayan Alto Paraná, where the maquilas are escorted by one of the largest commercial enclaves on the continent, located on the triple border where Ciudad del Este, Foz de Iguazú and Puerto Iguazú coexist.